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Revere Academy
of Jewelry Arts

Promotional Video 1994

From 1979 until its closure in 2017, this truly unique school was a complete training facility and a center for jewelry arts internationally. In addition to regular classes, the academy offered an annual Master's Symposium taught by internationally respected jewelry artists. The school also offered books and videos by the faculty. It is no wonder that serious students came from around the country and overseas to what many refer to as,


"The best jewelry school in America."

Phelan Building in San Francisco

The Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts offered something for everyone interested in making jewelry. Beginners just starting out learned to use basic tools and procedures while developing good working habits. Hobbyists added professional skills that elevated their work right away. And working bench jewelers filled in key areas while picking up new and more advanced techniques. All students received California State authorized certificates and diplomas upon completion of Revere classes and programs. 

The Revere Academy was a great place to begin a career, stimulate creativity, add new skills and network. It was a place to learn from nationally recognized craftsmen who taught the skills they used everyday. The faculty included over a dozen master craftsmen and experts who loved what they do and were eager to share their passion and knowledge with the next generation of makers. The Academy's fully equipped, state-of-the-art studios featured live video blow-ups so that students could see every detail even better than leaning over a master's shoulder.

In the year 2000, the Revere Academy pioneered an annual program called the International Masters Symposium. And for almost 20 years, the first week or two in April was set aside and no regular classes were held. Each year very prominent jewelry artisans and crafts people from around the world came to San Francisco and shared their techniques with Revere students. This program proved to be very successful and it was filled with a lot of special events. At the end of each session often the two instructors, who were teaching different classes, collaborated on a very special piece that represented them both.  These pieces were auctioned to students at the end of class and the proceeds went to scholarships for new students.

Promotional Video 2015

Guest Instructors

Whitney Abrams

Fabrizio Acquafresca

Diana Almeyda

Alison Antelman

Curtis Arima

Harriet Estel Berman

Davide Bigazzi

Jim Binnion

Michael Boyd

Harlan Butt

James Carter

John Cogswell

David Cole

Andy Cooperman

Jim Dailing

Linda Darty

Jack daSilva

Marilyn daSilva

Christopher Darway

Cindy Edelstein

Arline Fisch

Falcher Fusager

Ryan Gardner

Jeff Georgantes

Michael Good

Sarah Graham

Barbara Heinrich

Tom Herman

Ray Holiday

Marianne Hunter

Amitai Kav

Christo Kiffer

Charles Lewton-Brain

Deb Lozier

Thomas Mann

Tim McCreight

Steve Midgett

Gregore Morin

Jennifer Morin

Robert Lee Morris

Tom Muir

Bernd Munsteiner

Hratch Nargizian

Harold O'Connor

Etienne Perret

Chris Ploof

Phil Poirier

Merry-Lee Rae

Kent Raible

Jayne Redman

Remy Rotenier

Marne Ryan

Hap Sakwa

Richard Salley

Mark Schneider

Jean Stark

Felix Stüssi

Leila Tai

Wayne Werner

Kate Wolf

Robert Wooding

Nao Yamada

Valentin Yotkov

David Yurman

Doug Zaruba


Carrie Adell
Thomas Bakos
Courtney Balzan
Keith Bartel
Gary Bayless
Susan Bickford
Ed Bienek
Tim Brennan

Samuel C. Brown
Paul Christensen
Karen Christians

Paul Comerford
Luana Coonan
Ronda Coryell

Werner Cronauer

Lorrene Davis

Maarten de Witte

Christine Dhein
Catherine Dining

Ann Frazier

Si Frazier
Ed Friedman
Deana Fukatsu
Craig Gamble
Marlena Genau
Debbie Griffin
Benno Heune
Irene Hogan

Celia Kuitunen

Wayne Lenkeit

George McLean

Carolyn Moniz

Dawn Nakanishi

Thomas Paradise

Matthew Parks

Suzanne Pugh
Kate Reboli
David Reese
Jenny Reeves
Michelle Royston
Jonathan Russell
Yvette Rutledge
Joanna Seetoo

John Sliwa

Faith Spaulding



Karen Sprague

Randy Stromsoe

Michael David Sturlin

Vasken Tanielian
Yas Tanaka
Roberta Tanaka
Frank Trozzo
Starla Turner
Julia Turner
Barbara Voltaire

Tim Wallace
Carol Webb
Dean Wilson
Nancy Wintrup
Susan Wood

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